Friday, April 20, 2012

New toy for swimming

Part of my journey towards triathlon this year, I’ve just signed up for Total Immersion Swimming Course. It’s a course that supposed to fine tune your free stroke into more efficient, especially useful if you use it during triathlon race.

I read that during this course, they will break down my steps for free stoke and correct every element from floating to paddling. One of the essential equipment is the centre mouth snorkel.


A very interesting piece of equipment which I’ve just discovered. Apparently this will help you to focus on your body gliding technique and rotation even without needing to lift my head to breath.


It looks exactly like a normal snorkel from the mouth-piece, except that the snorkel tube stick out in front of your mouth and trough between the 2 eyes, th3n tilted its way up at the mid section so that it sticks out from the water to allows the swimmer to breath.


I’m all hyped up and can’t wait for my first session to start this Sunday.

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