Tuesday, October 13, 2009


So, the day came, 12th Oct 2009. Does it seems like a familiar date to you? … you might remember it for the anniversary of Bali bombing. Besides that, it’s actually my birthday. … and of cause some of my other friends who share the same birthday.

Nothing much happening this year, maybe because it falls on Monday. Everyone’s probably not in any celebration mood, including me. At least I’m glad that my close mates from church throw me a wonderful dinner the day before. So how do I spend my birthday? It’s just another Monday to me. Woke up at 6am and hit the gym by 6.30am as usual. After that was busy with work until evening time.

Was suppose to have dinner with parents at one of the restaurant around, but my granny forgotten that and cooked up dinner at home. So went back to parents’ place for  dinner instead.

The day ended early for me to prepare for an early run the next morning. But hey, I still appreciate those SMS’s and messages on FB. Thanks guys!

I guess birthday doesn’t matters much anymore once you hit working life.

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