Wednesday, February 2, 2011

ATTENTION!! PLEASE BOYCOTT FIRSTCOACH BUS!!! is run by a group of shit heads! The drivers probably picked out among a bunch of drunkards! Why? you may ask….

A firstcoach bus (number plate: WSA 7734) almost rammed into me less than an hour ago. It happened along Sprint highway, nearby Damansara Uptown, turning left into LDP towards the Kepong direction! This bus driver simply came from behind me, on my right hand side, and forcefully came into my lane ,while obviously, I’m still having the right-of-way!! He forced me from the second left lane into the most left. Then he did it again and almost crush my car between his bloody Firstcoach bus and the side rail, before turning left into LDP!

Look, you idiotic Firstcoach, if your core business mission is “commitment towards safe, reliable and comfortable bus service to our commuters.”, you’ve failed big time!!

From this day, I’ll boycott your bus service whenever I travel to Singapore!! In fact, I’ll make this issue big, and even spread this negative news to all my friends! Look, Firstcoach, your business is going down the drain!!!

1 comment:

Buoyeant said...

U serious??!!! I always take it to S'pore