Tuesday, September 21, 2010

One of the signs of aging

This is real scary to come to term that certain signs in life, which come into the later part of one’s life, is actually the sign of getting old.

One of which I’m going to talk about is actually the food intake capacity. You know you’re getting old when you’re eating lesser but your weight is increasing. This food intake pattern has slowly creeping into me these days.

Recently, I’ve made a short vacation to Penang. Everyone does know that when one goes to Penang, binging on local Penang food is the top to-do list. As much as I didn’t really plan this vacation as an eating trip, I can’t resist being there but not hunting around for good local food. So there I was, at various food court and restaurants. I used to be able to order many type and plates of food and eat like there’s no tomorrow. Thing has changed lately. After a plate or 2, I realised that I can’t take in anymore food; or more like appetite just shut off and just want to stay away from food for a while.

Things have definitely changed! And I’m getting older each day!

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