Monday, November 9, 2009


No, that’s not a French word. Nintendo Wii was what we’ve been playing on Friday night at Ben’s new place. While all the women at church are away for camp at Melacca, we had a guy chillout session over at Ben’s. There’re typical guys food – pizzas, KFC, potato chips, soft drinks and Jolly Shandy as demanded my Alex.

For the games, we had poker set and Nintendo Wii. But I guess the highlight of that night is the Wii. Man, that gaming console require such physical movement that I developed sore arms that lasted till 2 days after that night.


I’ve been hearing so much about Wii before that. I didn’t fancy so much about it as I’m not so much of virtual gaming kind of person. To me, virtual game is usually so unreal that I’d prefer to get into the real outdoor adventure. I could say that night’s experience with Wii have changed my perception towards virtual game. It’s quite realistic in certain way that you’d actually feel the effect after that. Bravo to Nintendo that has brought virtual gaming industry into a whole new level!

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